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Pay offer 2018

National Employers for Local Government Services

Heather Wakefield, Rehana Azam, Jim Kennedy Trade Union Side Secretaries NJC for Local Government Services c/o UNISON Centre 130 Euston Road London  NW1 2AY

5 December 2017

Dear Heather, Rehana and Jim,


I am writing on behalf of the Employers’ Side of the NJC to respond formally to the Trade Union Side’s pay claim.

The National Employers wish to make the following final offer:

From 1 April 2018:

 On SCP 6, £1,380 (equivalent to 9.191%)  On SCP 7, £1,380  (equivalent to 9.130%)  On SCP 8, £1,380  (equivalent to 9.052%)  On SCP 9, £1,380  (equivalent to 8.976%)  On SCP 10, £1,250  (equivalent to 8.006%)  On SCP 11, £1,200  (equivalent to 7.592%)  On SCP 12, £1,050  (equivalent to 6.512%)  On SCP 13, £900  (equivalent to 5.458%)  On SCP 14, £900  (equivalent to 5.363%)  On SCP 15, £900  (equivalent to 5.272%)  On SCP 16, £900  (equivalent to 5.167%)  On SCP 17, £900  (equivalent to 5.064%)  On SCP 18, £800  (equivalent to 4.427%)  On SCP 19, £700  (equivalent to 3.734%)  On SCPs 20 and above, 2.0%

The Employers acknowledge the constructive way in which the NJC Pay Spine Review Group has worked together over the past eighteen months and therefore propose that a revised pay spine be introduced with effect from 1 April 2019. The Employers’ detailed offer in regard to this is attached as Annex A.

The proposed 2019 pay spine is based on the following:

 A bottom rate of £9.00 per hour (£17,364) on new SCP1 (equivalent to old SCP6)
 ‘Pairing off’ old SCPs 6-17 incl to create new SCPs 1-6 incl  Equal steps of 2.0% between each new SCPs 1 to 22 incl (equivalent to old SCPs 6-28 incl)  Creating equal steps between pay points would introduce new SCPs 10, 13, 16, 18 and 21 to which no old SCPs would assimilate. This would mean that in some organisations the current number of pay points in a grade would change. The Employers therefore suggest that we work together to consider appropriate advice as such issues arise  On new SCPs 23 and above (equivalent to old SCPs 29 and above), 2.0%

We trust that you will now put this offer to your members for consultation and understand that you will be considering this over the next few days.

Yours sincerely,

Simon Pannell

Simon Pannell Employers’ Secretary

Posted: 2nd February 2018

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